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We are pleased that 209 people participated in our consultation. We received 174 submissions in English and 35 in French.
Some participants identified specific accessibility barriers they encountered at VAC and/or VRAB offices or online. These barriers included situations of:
- uncomfortable seating;
- poor ramps;
- inaccessible parking;
- accessibility issues related to online forms;
- issues experienced while logging onto VAC’s website;
- complex language;
- difficulty finding and understanding information related to VAC’s policies, procedures, and programs.
Participants also suggested ways accessibility barriers might be prevented or removed at VAC and/or VRAB. These suggestions included:
- presenting online materials in larger and better contrasting typeface/font;
- making closed captioning available where possible;
- providing more street-level entry with adequate parking/stopping spaces nearby;
- training opportunities on trauma-informed support;
- making steps and instructions on VAC’s website more clear;
- adding voice-to-text features where possible.
Also, please note that while we received feedback that was directly related to accessibility action planning, some people provided input that goes beyond the scope of our work to improve accessibility.
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